Past, Present and Future of Thomas Meduna
Elementary school
Not much to say here unfortunately. The biggest thing in academics was my participation in the Gifted and Talented Program. The athletic side had Solekids, which was just running in preperation for a long race track.
Middle school
From 6th to 8th grade, I attended Lake Hazel Middle School. I continued being part of GT, which may be the reason some things I have heard happened there surprised me. The craziest thing to happen that I saw was a sink inthe toilet, while the worst was 2 lunchroom fights in 3 days, in the same grade.
Freshman year
Last year, I was here at MTHCS. I was a member of JV Esports team 2nd semester. My GPA that year was a 4.0, as evidenced by this picture.

Currently, I am still attending MTCHS. I practice my game for Esports whenever I can, and my application for NHS is in the works.
I have very little idea of what will happen in the future since it has't happened yet. I do have an idea of what I am hoping to achieve in the future.
Very short term
This year, I hope to continue playing for the Esports team, and join NHS. I would also like to do No-Longer-Advanced Technical Training for game design.
Somewhat short term
During this year of school and the next two, my goal is to get a 4.0 GPA. I have little idea of what colledge to plan for but would like to go into Programming.
Long term
I hope to have a career related to making games or at least coding. I may even make an Indie game or two as a sidehustle.